Holter Monitor

Holter Monitor


Holter Monitor

The Holter monitor provides continuous ECG monitoring of your heart over a prolonged period, which usually varies between 24 and 72 hours. Once performed, each heartbeat from the ECG tracings are meticulously analysed by our experienced cardiac technologists. Holter monitors are frequently used by doctors to identify common heart rhythm disorders.


  • Original request form for the test (if provided by your referring doctor)
  • Any concession cards, including valid Medicare and any private health care cards
  • List of current medications


  • Ensure you wear loose and comfy clothing, as our technicians will need access to the chest.
  • Consider showering/bathing before the appointment, as you will be unable to do so for the duration of the recording (usually 24 hours).


  • The appointment lasts for 15 minutes and the monitor will be fitted to you during this time
  • Instructions will be provided to you on the day of how to return the monitor to us.


The final results of your Holter monitor will be sent to your referring doctor within 24 hours of the test being performed.